Qualifying students are invited to participate in the GUSD Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) program. Students in the GATE program receive differentiated instruction in the classroom, as appropriate, based on their interests, preferences, and strengths. Additionally, each school offers GATE learning experiences outside of the regular classroom.
For more information about the GATE program, please contact your school site teacher specialist.
2024-25 GATE Parent Orientation
One goal of the Glendale Unified School District (GUSD) Equity, Access, and Family Engagement (EAFE) department is to utilize equitable practices to identify students for Gifted and Talented Education (GATE).
The universal GATE screener will be administered in the Spring to all 3rd graders and any 4th-6th grade students who are new to GUSD.
Parents and guardians have the option to withdraw their child from participating in the GATE screening by completing this opt-out form or by submitting a paper version of the opt out form available from the child’s school.
If your student is newly enrolled in the district and was previously identified as gifted/GATE in another district, please submit accompanying documents to your site teacher specialist.
All students in the third grade will be conducting universal screening for Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) using the Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test 3 (NNAT3).
Prior to testing parents will receive a notification of testing with the option to opt out.
The NNAT3 will be administered in all third grade classrooms. Specific testing location and time will be shared with families prior to the administration of the NNAT3.
Once all screening sessions across the district are complete and results have been processed, families will receive a letter from the District indicating results and eligibility for GATE identification.
Students who score at or above the 92nd percentile rank will be eligible for participation in GATE. Please note that the percentile rank is not to be confused with “percentage correct.”
Students identified as GATE in GUSD are not retested and retain their identification as they remain enrolled within the district.
For more information regarding NNAT3 administration, please contact your school site Teacher Specialist.
Family Webinar – April 25, 2024
Family Webinar – February 29, 2024
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