The CHKS is a modular, anonymous assessment recommended for students ages 10+. The California Department of Education (CDE) recommends that schools administer the CHKS every two years to provide data on student health risks and resilience. Administration of the CHKS is required for school districts who receive Tobacco Use Prevention Education (TUPE) grant funding, which includes GUSD.
GUSD administers the CHKS to all students in grades 6, 7, 9 and 11 every two years with parent consent. Students last took the survey in Fall 2022. The CHKS takes approximately one class period to complete. The results of the survey guide our district's school safety plans and school violence and substance abuse prevention programs, and help us secure valuable grant funding.
About the CHKS
The survey is focused on the five most important areas for guiding school and student improvement:
- Student connectedness, learning engagement/motivation, and attendance
- School climate, culture, and conditions
- School safety, including violence perpetration and victimization/bullying
- Physical and mental well-being and social-emotional learning
- Student supports, including resilience-promoting developmental factors (caring relationships, high expectations, and meaningful participation)
The CHKS includes a range of questions to obtain student perceptions on health-related behaviors including:
- Alcohol and other drug use
- Tobacco use
- Violence and school safety
- Physical and nutritional habits
- Youth resilience (positive self-perception and avoidance skills)
Parent Consent for CHKS
- For students in grade 6, students, parent permission is required, meaning that parents/guardians must sign a consent form indicating whether or not their child may take the survey.
- For students in Grades 7, 9 and 11, parents/guardians have an opportunity to opt their student out of taking the survey.
Copies of the CHKS questionnaire are made available at each school and on the district website for parent/guardian review before the survey is given.
2022 Parent/Guardian Consent Forms
California School Staff Survey (CSSS)
In addition to the CHKS, GUSD school staff will participate in the CSSS. This online staff survey assesses the perceptions and experiences of K-12 teachers, administrators, and other school personnel.
The survey:
- Provides comparison data to the questions and constructs asked students in the CHKS core
- Addresses the working environment and conditions, including staff relationships, organizational expectations and norms, and meaningful participation in decisions
- Encapsulates the scope and nature of existing student supports, programs, and services (e.g., discipline, counseling, health, and prevention)
- Assesses parent/guardian supports and involvement
Information from the results of the CHKS and CSSS allows the district and school personnel to:
- Evaluate both student learning and staff working conditions (K-12)
- Compare student self-report data with staff and parent perceptions
- Update site School Safety Plans and the Annual District Safe Schools Report
- Guide and evaluate school violence and substance abuse prevention programs
- Evaluate the Safe Schools Healthy Students program
- Apply for various grants including:
- Tobacco Use Prevention Education (TUPE)
- Drug and Other Substance Abuse Prevention
- Safe and Drug Free Schools and Communities
- School Safety and Violence Prevention