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Eaton Fire Updates & Resources

Latest Updates


Campus Preparations

  • Maintenance, operations, grounds, and planning staff have cleaned every campus, removed debris, and repaired minor damage caused by the wind and the Eaton fire.
  • Areas requiring larger repairs have been secured. We will make these repairs as quickly as possible.

Air Quality

  • We will continue to monitor air quality in our area and adjust outdoor activities accordingly. 
  • Right now, according to AQMD, the air quality is moderate for many of our Glendale and La Crescenta schools and good for southern areas of Glendale.
  • All athletic events and outdoor extracurricular activities are canceled on Monday. We will adjust athletic schedules accordingly for the remainder of the week based on CIF air quality guidelines.
  • To preserve the air quality in our facilities, HVAC units have been turned off and will remain off while air filtration systems are being restored. We recommend bringing an extra sweater next week as classrooms may be slightly chilly.
  • Schools have adult KN or N95 masks and child surgical masks available for those who need them.


  • Power has been restored at all of our Glendale and La Crescenta area schools.
  • We may continue to experience brief power outages throughout this week. We will adjust campus activities accordingly to accommodate these outages.


  • Nutrition services staff have cleared and restocked refrigerators and adjusted menus following the recent power outages.
  • Meals will be served on their regular schedule this week. However, please note that we may need to make last-minute menu substitutions.
  • Meals will be available daily for our Rosemont students who are distance learning.


  • We know that many of our educators and staff have been impacted by the Eaton fire and may need additional time to recover.
  • Our human resources staff has provided substitutes to cover all absences we are aware of for Monday.
  • Additionally, we have scheduled an extra substitute to be available at every elementary school to support unforeseen absences. 

GUSD Resources for Students, Families, and Employees

Mental Health Support

We have mental health support and resources available for students who need it. 



Displaced Families & Employees

We know that many families and employees have been displaced, and we are devastated to learn of those who have lost their homes due to the Eaton Fire. Below are links to government and community resources that may be helpful.

For Families:

  • If you have been relocated due to the fire and have questions about enrollment, contact Student Support Services at (818) 241-3111 ext. 1283
  • Students who have lost their homes qualify for specialized district support. Contact Student Wellness Services at (818) 241-3111 ext. 1500 for more information

Government & Community Resources

FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency)

American Red Cross

Government and Other Resources

State Resources

Local Resources

Wildfire Preparedness and Recovery