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Partnership and Intersection: PBIS and Restorative Practices

Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) and Restorative Practices are whole-school models that can be used hand-in-hand to increase positive outcomes for student behavior. Both emphasize prevention and positive responses to problem behavior.

  • PBIS’ multi-tiered structure for implementing practices and the systematic use of data provide a framework for using Restorative Practices that include a process for including youth, staff, and community voices within that framework.

Both PBIS and Restorative Practices place high value on youth and staff engagement and involvement. They support social-emotional learning for youth and staff, and are seen as effective strategies to lower racially disproportionate discipline referrals by offering adults alternative responses to student misbehavior.

PBIS shifts adults’ focus from punishing and excluding to teaching and rewarding positive student behavior, while Restorative Practices encourage personal reflection, accountability, and healing for both students and adults. Both approaches seek to enforce positive behavior and uplift student strengths.

PBIS and Restorative Practices are specifically aligned to our GUSD LCAP priority to "Increase Engagement," particularly our goal to "create a positive environment and opportunities for students to connect with their school and community." They also align with our goals to "improve academic achievement for all students" and "support the social, emotional, and physical needs of all students."