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TEST - Elementary Library Guidelines & Opt Out Form

Posted Date: 8/17/23 (10:40 PM)


Dear Parents/Guardians of GUSD Elementary Students,

Glendale Unified school libraries provide students with access to a wide range of resources, including story books, reference and research materials. Students can explore literature and access additional texts to enhance their understanding of subjects they are studying in class. Checking out books from the school library helps students academically, intellectually, and personally. It contributes to their overall development, improves learning skills, and nurtures a lifelong love of reading.  

Library Guidelines
  • Students have an opportunity to check out library books during their class library time.
  • If your student brings a library book(s) home, please help them find a safe place to keep the book. Make sure to keep library books away from young siblings, pets, and any food or drinks. The best place for library books is in your student’s backpack.
  • Borrowed books are expected to be returned at the next library visit. If a student forgets their book, they should tell their teacher. Students must return books before checking out a new book.
  • We do not charge for late books. However, there is a replacement fee if a library book gets lost or damaged.

Library Opt-Out
If you do not want your child to check books out from the school library, please complete the attached form. You only need to complete the form if you do NOT want your child to check out books from the library. If you have multiple children attending GUSD elementary schools, please complete a separate form for each child you would like to opt out.

If you have any questions about your school’s library, please contact the school principal. 

Thank you and happy reading!

Brook Reynolds
Executive Director, Elementary Educational Services